TxDOT City Pride Program

TxDot City Pride Sign Program

TxDOT developed the City Pride Sign Program to give cities the opportunity to display the names and logos of their civic organizations along state highways without interfering with official highway signs.

Community Wayfinding Signs

Community wayfinding guide signs are part of a coordinated and continuous system of signs that direct tourists and other road users to key civic, cultural, visitor, and recreational attractions and other destinations within a city or a local urbanized or downtown area.

Important Things To Know About TxDot Approved Wayfinding Signs

Vehicle Traffic Wayfinding:

Because regulatory, warning, and other guide signs have a higher priority, community wayfinding guide signs shall not be installed where adequate spacing cannot be provided between the community wayfinding guide sign and other higher priority signs. Community wayfinding guide signs shall not be installed in a position where they would obscure the road users’ view of other traffic control devices. 07 Community wayfinding guide signs shall not be mounted overhead.

The basic requirement for all highway signs, including community wayfinding signs, is that they be legible to those for whom they are intended and that they be understandable in time to permit a proper response. Section 2A.06 contains additional information on the design of signs, including desirable attributes of effective designs. Guidance: 26-word messages should be as brief as practical and the lettering should be large enough to provide the necessary legibility distance.

Pedestrian wayfinding:

Because pedestrian wayfinding signs typically use smaller legends that are inadequately sized for viewing by vehicular traffic and because they can provide direction to pedestrians that might conflict with that appropriate for vehicular traffic, wayfinding signs designed for and intended to provide direction to pedestrians or other users of a sidewalk or other roadside area should be located to minimize their conspicuity to vehicular traffic. Pedestrian wayfinding signs should not be retroreflective.

Some Lettering Size Guidelines:

Lettering on post-mounted Street Name signs should be composed of initial upper-case letters at least 6 inches in height and lower-case letters at least 4.5 inches in height. 05 On multi-lane streets with speed limits greater than 40 mph, the lettering on post-mounted Street Name signs should be composed of initial upper-case letters at least 8-inches in height and lower-case letters at least 6 inches in height. Option: 06 For local roads with speed limits of 25 mph or less, the lettering on post-mounted Street Name signs may be composed of initial upper-case letters at least 4 inches in height and lower-case letters at least 3 inches in height.

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